Get Inspired With Erin Bacchi
We chatted to the lovely Erin Bacchi about her creative process when styling and designing a dreamy, and practical children's bedroom - and why shutters where the perfect addition!
The Shutters Dept.
Overseas Manufacturer
The Shutters Dept
Guaranteed lower price
Other Shutter Brands
Overseas Manufacturer
Australian Wholesaler
Other Shutter Brand
Costs you more

Our plantation shutters are shipped to you directly from our overseas factory. No intermediaries, no unnecessary costs. And by installing yourself, you save even more. Today, the going rate is $100 to measure and $50 per panel for installation.
Our Design Centre allows you to easily configure your own shutters, skip the middle man, and put you in control. You'll be amazed at how simple DIY shutters can be.

Ethical Sourcing
The Shutters Dept is committed to ensuring socially and environmentally responsible sourcing practices across our entire supply chain. To meet this commitment, we have implemented an Ethical Sourcing Program that is applicable to all The Shutters Dept Suppliers. This includes Suppliers of the products we sell to our customers, the goods we use in our own operations and our service providers.
Key elements of the program include:
- Comprehensive The Shutters Dept Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes the minimum sourcing standards that all Suppliers must meet as a condition of doing business with The Shutters Dept.
- Code compliance declarations that must be signed by all Suppliers.
- A whistleblower line ( through which any person, including workers of a Supplier, may report actual or suspected Code violations.
- A robust audit and monitoring program that requires The Shutters Dept supplier factories to have an approved ethical sourcing audit prior to onboarding and renewed at least every two years.
- Due diligence processes applicable to onboarding new local Suppliers, designed to ensure their factories comply with ethical sourcing standards that, at a minimum, meet The Shutters Dept standards.
- Staff training.
- A Standard Operating Procedure documenting our Ethical Sourcing Program’s governance structure, program objectives, and internal roles and responsibilities.
Modern Slavery
We are opposed to slavery in all its forms. The need to manage the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain is a key consideration behind the design of our Ethical Souring Program.
Despite not being mandated to do so, Shutters Department has elected to prepare a voluntary statement that meets the reporting requirements of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and associated guidelines. Our Modern Slavery Statement can be viewed here.